In 2021, the Bicentenary of the death of Napoleon will be the occasion for the European Federation of Napoleon Cities and Destination Napoleon, Cultural Route certified by the Council of the Europe , to give visibility to the network through the activities and initiatives proposed by the member cities and territories in Europe.
This will also be an opportunity to strengthen synergies between territories, raise awareness on the Federation's action at different levels, the values promoted, as well as the European multiperspective storytelling offered by Destination Napoleon.
A word from President
1821- 2021. Commemorate or celebrate?
The Federation wants to highlight Napoleon's work in its European dimension, through cultural and historical knowledge and cultural tourism. We want to commemorate the Bicentenary of his death as it is a privileged moment to underline his work and his importance as a historical figure. But we do not want to celebrate it, which would be the same as making a judgment. We welcome into our ranks cities where he is seen as a great reformer who carried the ideals of the Revolution, as a victorious or defeated general, as a relentless despot, as the founder of new nations. It is the crossing of these glances, avoiding as far as possible value judgements and gathering around the recognition of the complexity and importance of his work, that creates the common memory that Europe needs. The Latin origin of the word 'commemorate' rightly refers to the call for various forms of remembrance. This is what we want to contribute to.
Charles Bonaparte
Labelled activities
Would you like to use the 2021 Bicentenary logo for your activities? Fill in the following form: Label your events.
The European week
The first edition of the European Week of Destination Napoleon will take place from 1 to 9 May 2021, and will be the occasion to celebrate the bicentenary of Napoleon's death. This annual event will become the flagship initiative of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities (FECN) and Destination Napoleon, Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe.
The European Week will be an opportunity to give visibility to the activities and events of the more than 60 cities and territories members of the FECN, present in 13 countries, from Portugal to the Russian Federation. It will highlight the legacy of Napoleon and his era in today's Europe.
Each year, a common theme will be proposed by the FECN Scientific Committee, thus federating the cities' member and making it easier for the public to understand this diverse heritage.
The 2021 theme is:
Can't you go to St Helena?
Discover the Napoleonic heritage near you.
Destination Napoleon Talks webinar series
On the occasion of the 2021 Bicentenary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte, the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities is organising a series of events ...
Tour de France of Napoleonic Cities
In August, Lionel Tardy, columnist for Historia Games, will be touring several member cities of the European Federation of ...