August will mark the tour of Lionel Tardy, columnist at Historia Gamesof several member cities of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities.
Guided by the Federation's members and local partners, such as town halls and tourist offices, the route will provide an opportunity to (re)discover the towns of La-Roche-sur-Yon, Pontivy, Paris, Rueil-Malmaison, Autun and the Route Napoléon on the Côte d'Azur.
Find her columns on our Instagram @destinationnapoleon and on @monsieur_sevade.
Press release: A Tour de France in the footsteps of Napoleon (PDF)
About Lionel Tardy

Professor of economics and law and columnist for the website HistoriaGames for 3 years, Lionel has always been passionate about history, but also about literature, spirits and good things in general! He takes advantage of his various travels to discover and share his heritage, notably via his Instagram @monsieur_sevade.
With a penchant for the Napoleonic period, he collaborated for the first time in 2021 with the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities on the webinar " Playful tools for the transmission of history ". This Tour de France marks a new cooperation with the Federation on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon's death.