Thursday 4 and Friday 5 April 2024, at the Hôtel-Dieu Saint Jacques in Toulouse, France.

The Pilgrim's Way to Santiago de CompostelaCultural Route of the Council of Europeorganised an international scientific event under the patronage of theUNESCOthe Ministry of Culture and the patronage of Regions of Francewhich took place from 4 to 5 April 2024 at the Hôtel-Dieu Saint Jacques in Toulouse.
The multi-disciplinary event, coordinated by Christophe Alcantara, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences atToulouse Capitole University and Adeline Rucquoi, Emeritus Director of Research at the CNRSThe aim of this project was to deepen our knowledge of the issues and analyse the practices of those working in the field, in order to provide a unique perspective on the relationship between UNESCO and the Council of Europe.
The director of Destination Napoleon and President of FFICE - French Federation of European Cultural RoutesEleonora Berti, led the discussions between the Agence française des chemins de Compostelle, the European Federation of Cluniac Sites, Via Francigena France on key issues concerning the transmission of European heritage, the links between the Council of Europe's Cultural Routes programme and UNESCO's World Heritage List, and the involvement of young people.
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