Museums and battlefields. Challenges and opportunities in the transmission of Napoleonic history in Europe
On Thursday 20 June 2024 at the Sorbonne University in Paris (FR), a conference organised by the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities.

As part of the 20th anniversary of the European Federation of Napoleonic Citiesconference Museums and battlefields. Challenges and opportunities in the transmission of Napoleonic history in Europe "will be held at theMilne-Edwards AmphitheatreParis-Sorbonne University Paris (FR), on 20 June 2024.
This is the first conference organised by the FECN in close collaboration with theParis-Sorbonne University and Professor Jacques-Olivier Boudon, Chairman of the Scientific committee of the FECN-Destination Napoleon and theNapoleon Institutededicated to museums and battlefields and the methodologies used to transmit Napoleonic history through a European and multi-perspective approach. This day of study and exchange of practices will be open to the public and will provide an opportunity to bring together museums, universities, research centres and members of the Federation.
practical information
- Conference: "Museums and battlefields. Challenges and opportunities in the transmission of Napoleonic history in Europe".
- Date and time: Thursday 20 June 2024 from 08:45 to 18:15
- Venue: Amphithéâtre Milne-Edwards, Sorbonne, 17 rue de la Sorbonne PARIS
- Conference in French and English
- Participation is free, provided you register before 17 June.
- Registration: