Description It was another Napoleon, Charles, who read the 36,000 letters of his grandfather's correspondence and the St Helena Memorial to find the words where the emperor discovers himself to reveal the man.
This portrait is as beautiful and contrasted as the land of Corsica, where the most vivid colours rub shoulders with the darkest features, where the most powerful man on earth at that time is also a child, where crazy dreams arise from the sad reviews of the regiments, where the general surrounded by all dangers feels carried by a supernatural force, where the greatest captain of all times, after having won fifty battles, is finally defeated by his own illusions, where the exile of St. Helena lucidly analyzes the reasons for his failure by chiseling his portrait for History.
Portrait of a man who changes radically in his opinions and in his tastes throughout a fabulous career that leads him from a small island to the head of a vast continent that he will have conquered by the sword and administered by the law before ending his journey relegated to another island, very far away.
These thousand fragments create one of the most beautiful mosaics that can be imagined by enthusiasts, students, but also the simply curious about one of the most prestigious of the French.
Author : Charles Bonaparte
Publisher : Le cherche midi
Date of publication March 12, 2009
Format :140 x 220 mm
Pages : 288
More information here : www.grasset.fr/livres/la-liberte-bonaparte-9782246823933