Destination Napoleon: regular evaluation to renew the Council of Europe's Cultural Route certification

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On 11 May, the President and the Director of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, Vincent Chauvet and Eleonora Berti, presented the activities and strategies of Destination Napoleon to the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) Board of Directors which took place on 10 and 11 May 2023 in Luxembourg.

The presentation is the last part of the regular evaluation process, in order to renew the Council of Europe Cultural Route certification, awarded to Destination Napoleon in 2015.

Composed of representatives of the Ministries of Culture, Tourism and Foreign Affairs of its 38 member states and one observer state, the EPA Governing Board is the governing body that awards the "Council of Europe Cultural Route" certification and evaluates the certified cultural routes each year.

The 2022-2023 certification cycle analysed by the EPA Governing Board for decision, saw 14 regular assessments, 2 exceptional assessments and 8 candidates for certification. We will be notified of the decision regarding the assessments in June 2023.

More information on Council of Europe certification

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