From May 1 to 9, 2021, the European Destination Napoleon Weekorganized by the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities (FECN) and inaugurated in the framework of the Bicentenary 2021.
During this first edition, more than 40 events throughout Europe highlighted the Napoleonic heritage in Europe around the theme 2021:
You can not go to St-Helena? Discover Napoleonic heritage close to you.
Among the events labelled by the Federation, we can mention
- The Napoleon route inaugurated by the city of Plymouth (England)
- Opening of the exhibition "Napoleone 1821" by the Glauco Lombardi Museum (Italy)
- Opening of the exhibition "Napoleon with 1001 faces" at the museum of Rueil-Malmaison (France)
- Inauguration of the Franco-Italian meetings by the French Institute of Florence (Italy)
- Exhibition "From Waterloo to Saint Helena" by the Waterloo 1815 Memorial
Two visibility partnerships were also developed in Italy:
- Destination Napoleon" identity for Acqua Fonte Napoleone
- Commemorative stamp by the Italian Post Office
In addition, 5 webinars organized by the Federation have brought together our cities, museums and partner members around various themes and are now freely available on our new Youtube channel, inaugurated on this occasion.
Each year, the European Destination Napoleon Week will highlight a common theme proposed by the FECN's Scientific Committee, thus bringing together the member cities and making it easier for the public to understand this multifaceted heritage.