From 3 to 5 May 2024 in Plymouth, United Kingdom

The Annual General Meeting of the Fédération Européenne des Cités Napoléoniennes 2024 was held from 3 to 5 May in Paris. Plymouthin the UK.
On the first day, participants had the opportunity to explore the city and take a boat trip to the Royal William Yard.
The second day was devoted to the statutory meeting and a presentation of the projects and activities carried out by the Group. FECN–Destination Napoleon and its members. In addition, Victoria Pomery, General Director of the museum The Boxand Professor James Gregory, of theUniversity of Plymouthtwo thematic conferences entitled: "Empire and place: transmitting forgotten and neglected histories. The experience of the Box Museum" and "The emperor's old [little] clothes: British views of Bonaparte's breeches".

The third day was marked by the commemorative service at the Napoleon memorial in Plymouth Hoe, attended by the President of the FECN, Vincent Chauvet, the Honorary President and founder of the FECN, Charles Bonaparte, the Lord Mayor of the city, the former Honorary Consul of France in Plymouth and his wife, Alain and Monique Sibiril, who created the memorial and the conditions for Plymouth's membership of the FECN. The ceremony was followed by a guided tour of the museum. Dartmoor Prison and its cemetery.